» » » 2020 Michael Monk Award Criteria & Procedures, Application Forms- Deadline Sept. 25

2020 Michael Monk Award Criteria & Procedures, Application Forms- Deadline Sept. 25

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Application Deadline Has Been Extended

to Friday, September 25, 2020

In light of the restrictions posed by the coronavirus, the submission of a video for consideration is optional.

As well, for this year, the superintendent’s signature is also optional.

Michael Monk Award Criteria & Procedures
Michael Monk Award Application Form

Prix Michael Monk Critères & Procédures 
Prix Michael Monk Formulaire De Demande


In recognition of Michael Monk’s 40 years of service to Catholic education, locally, provincially, and internationally, this award honors a Catholic elementary or secondary school that has led the way by implementing exemplary innovative program(s) to improve the learning of their students. The award recipient must display a sustained commitment to existing student engagement through a new initiative designed to further engage its student community.

This award is jointly funded and administered by the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association and the Catholic Education Foundation of Ontario. For 2020, the award is set at $4000.00.

Criteria To Be Considered

  • The students served by the school community or served by this specific initiative are economically and/or socially challenged.
  • This is a new/distinct initiative rather than being added to a project that is already funded/partially funded by the school/board.
  • The new initiative assists in building Christian community within the school.
  • The new initiative acts as a model for others which could be replicated in other school communities.

Application Process

a. Applications for the awards must be received by April 3, 2020, for an initiative to be undertaken in the following school year.

b. Applications forms, provided by the Catholic Education Foundation of Ontario, will require a thorough/detailed rationale for the initiative and a clear/specific plan for introduction, development, implementation and evaluation of the project. A video profile showcasing the initiative is required. All required signatures must be present on submission.

c. Applications will be reviewed and projects assessed, by the CEFO-OECTA Michael Monk Award Committee. The Committee will be composed of 4 members, equally represented of the Catholic Education Foundation of Ontario and the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association. OECTA will present the award, following approval of the Board of Directors of CEFO and the OECTA Provincial Executive.

d. All applicants will be informed of the outcome of their applications within 3 weeks of the CEFO’s Board of Directors decision. This will occur no later than June 12th.


Examples of initiatives that could be supported would be as follow, but the possibilities are not at all limited.
a. A program aimed at developing and enhancing the leadership skills of students.
b. A program to develop and encourage student activities that enhance relationship between the school and the relevant general public community, particularly the economically disadvantage and socially marginalized.
c. A program that supports young people who feel marginalized either within the local school or the larger social community.

Activities Not Supported

Activities not supported will include:
a. Provision of services, personnel or items normally provided through the Board’s or school’s budget.
b. Provisions of uniforms or equipment for sports teams.
c. Provision of funds to enhance any fund-raising activities within the school (i.e. to supplement fundraising activities for a charity).


Funds approved by the OECTA Executive and the CEFO Board of Directors will be issued after the decision is made. A formal presentation of the Awards will be made to a representative of each recipient at the Fr. Fogarty Awards Dinner held on Saturday, October 24, 2020 at the Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel.


a. OECTA and CEFO reserve the right not to provide grants in any year

b. OECTA and CEFO reserve the right to halt the award program at any time

c. It is understood that in supporting any educational activity OECTA and CEFO are not assuming any responsibility for the conduct of that activity or its outcomes