2017 CEFO Medal of Honour Recipient Speech by GREG ROGERS
Awards Partnership with CEFO Information sheet 2018 Please Click on Link Above
2018 Past Student Award Recipients Testimonials https://youtu.be/nf90zlSBxOE To see these testimonials (2) please click on the YOU TUBE link
2018 Jean Vanier Speaks to CEFO Award Recipients https://youtu.be/nLIX9eiv0t8 To see his address, please click on the YOU Tube link
Sr Helen Prejean Flyer
2018 TICKET ORDER FORM Fr. Fogarty Awards Dinner October 27
2018 Fr. Fogarty Awards Dinner flyer
The Board of Directors of CEFO are pleased to announce the following CEFO Award recipients for 2018 The MICHAEL CARTY Award recipients 2018 Michael CARTY AWARD RECIPIENTS The OCETA/CEFO Award Recipient 2018 OECTA-CEFO Michael Monk Award